DSM Machinery
The Gosiger Company broke ground in late September of 1999 for the new location of DSM Machinery in the Thorn Hill Industrial Park. RSH Architects provided architectural and interior design services and the Landau Building Company provided construction services. Due to the pending sale of the company’s existing facility in Carnegie, Pennsylvania, the design team faced strict time restrictions, which were met without sacrificing the efficiency or quality of the building.
Since DSM sells and services top of the line Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools, the new facility features a merchandise showroom to accommodate equipment operation seminars and equipment displays. The showroom has an open bay design and an eighteen-foot clearance that allows for equipment demonstrations and free movement of its heavy machinery. In addition, DSM’s office spaces have been separated from the showroom with a glass wall that provides thermal and acoustical privacy, while offering a visual connection to the showroom. To allow for future expansion, DSM has limited its initial occupancy to half of the facility, utilizing the rear 11,000 square feet for leasable tenant space.
DSM Machinery & Gosiger Co.
Warrendale, PA